Olesya Malinskaya: an exclusive interview

Olesya Malinskaya: an exclusive interview for the SELFLOVERS magazine. 

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1. Olesya, could please tell us about your path to this amazing success and luxurious lifestyle? What has impacted your success and what lessons can young women draw from it?

I am often asked how I achieved success. To begin with, I am all for success in every sphere of life. I believe that a golden mean, a certain balance is crucial for a woman to be successful in everything she does – otherwise, you can’t really call it success. You also need to focus on yourself, because many people expend their energy on others. They simply don’t know how to use the laws of life, and start to envy the success of others and concentrate on the wrong things. I’m convinced that all you need to do is keep the focus on yourself. Don’t envy anyone, don’t give in to negative emotions. Many people ask me how to stop envying. You can celebrate another person’s success, thus attracting what you want. Envy, on the other hand, repels the things that you are seeking.

2. Please tell us about “Olesya Malinskaya’s special secret of abundance,” which you regularly mention on Instagram.

Abundance is about opportunity. There are infinite opportunities in the universe, so there is potentially infinite abundance in every area of our lives. We need to learn to notice it and create favorable opportunities for ourselves. I am in favor of abundance in all ​​life spheres, because if you only succeed in one, i.e., your career, while others are in a slump, then you can’t really claim that you are completely happy. Happiness and abundance should pervade all spheres of your life, especially if you are a woman. I always say this to the students in my courses. I recently held an abundance retreat in Dubai, and we embraced our feminine energy, which is very important for thriving in abundance.

3. Please describe how you manage to combine femininity and leadership qualities. You’ve mentioned on social media that you’d already bought several apartments. Can you give us more details?

To succeed today, a woman needs to maintain harmony and balance and be successful in her career without abandoning her femininity. There is a tiny little secret to that: you need to be like Yin and Yang, with 75% of female energy and 25% of male energy. When a woman preserves this balance, she’ll achieve success in whatever she is doing. I always advise women to opt for more feminine business pursuits that will inspire them. Every woman has to find her special mission, fulfill herself and enjoy her work. If she’s engaged in a more masculine profession, so to speak, then having a steady source of nurturing female energy becomes essential. My path to success began when I found my mission and realized that I could be helpful to other people. When I recognized that my task is to change women’s lives, the universe started generously rewarding me with money for my work, since I really do help many women.

4. So, it’s a kind of an investment for you?

Real estate is definitely a very profitable investment. I buy real estate both in Moscow and Dubai, and I believe that it’s one of the best investment options.

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5. Are there unique “Olesya Malinskaya’s rules of self-realization”? Many Instagram divas personify the idea that just being beautiful is enough.

I have a more global outlook, because being beautiful is really not a big deal. Either nature endows you with beauty, or you can create the look of your dreams with the help of plastic surgery, which is pretty affordable for any woman these days. Realizing your potential and discovering your identity is one of the key life goals for a woman. A plain life, where your main concern is your appearance, is akin to being a parasite on our planet. Life and the universe show these people that they shouldn’t be living this way, that such existence is pointless. In turn, all of you are aware of my life experience. I set out on a self-exploration journey at the age of 20, and achieved great success in it. After accumulating enough experience, I wrote my book Perfect you, which has helped thousands of women around the globe. I get a lot of feedback, and meet women who thank me for helping them. My courses and retreats are very popular because they really work, and I am currently preparing to launch a larger project. I am working on a women’s academy, which will be a new experience for me. I don’t have to work and could be simply enjoying life right now, but I feel that I can bring something positive into this world, and I take pleasure in doing it.

6. Everyone wants to know: “What plastic surgeries has Olesya Malinskaya had?” Please tell us about plastic surgery and the creation of your perfect image. What does it mean to you, and why is it important for women to take care of themselves?

I am an idealist, and my idealism affects every part of my life. As an aesthete, I think that it’s vital for a woman to look perfect – not just beautiful. This is my ideology, and my criteria are very strict. For me, it’s all about self-improvement, whether in the beauty sphere or any other area. I was endowed with good looks by God, nature and my parents, but I wished to improve myself further. If I see an opportunity, I take it. I’ve always been satisfied with my appearance. Some women resort to beauty treatments because of their insecurities, but that’s not my case. Everyone who has read my book knows that I have always basked in self-love. Since kindergarten, I thought I was a princess, and asked teachers to call me that. Ever since childhood, I believed I was the prettiest girl, and whenever I had a chance to improve my looks with the help of cosmetology, I took advantage of it. However, not everyone is as much of a perfectionist as I am. Most women are content with what they have, but my lifestyle means enjoying life to the fullest extent.

7. Tell us in more detail, why did you decide to buy real estate (premium-quality, too!) independently? How does it affect feminine energy? Should women attain such results and buy apartments, if this is generally considered the domain of male energy? Please give us more details on the subject of women investing and buying real estate.

I used to think that many things are only accessible to men, and women are weaker creatures. Then I realized that the more my energy I have, the more opportunities I can access, and as a result, I can afford more than the average man. In my own desire map, which I also provide to my course participants, I wished for elite real estate in Moscow, and my wish came true. I proved to myself that I am capable of doing anything without a man, but I still don’t think women should do everything on their own. Yes, a woman should be able to do anything and realize that she is the one in control, but there should be an even stronger man next to her. This is how a woman boosts her energy and prosperity levels and attracts a suitable man, who is just as powerful – but in the masculine energy aspect.

8. Here’s the last question then! How can we avoid scaring all the men away and meet men who are even stronger than us, if there are so few of them?

I get lots of questions about how to find a man like that. I will say this: don’t look for a man, and he will find you. Enjoy your life, relish everything you do, engage in self-exploration and spiritual growth. The time for your man will come when you’ve cultivated all the facets of your own character. Everything comes at the right time. You’ll meet the man who matches the energies you’ve embraced: spiritual, material and physical. Emphasize spiritual values, rather than material things – it’s the key. Don’t settle for less if you feel like you’re missing something. The finest man who balances your energy will find you. Focus on yourself, cultivate and embrace yourself.

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